Lately I have been thinking a lot about how much my family has been blessed by having the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. In my family growing up I had four younger brothers, and our house was always pretty hectic. We were all involved in our different interests and had a lot of our time split up between different things. But despite all of the different things we had pulling us in different directions, we had one thing that always pulled us together: The gospel of Jesus Christ, especially the teachings of the prophets.
Prophets of old. |
A prophet is a man who speaks for God. He is given great power and authority from God to declare His message to all of the people in the world. He points people to Christ and invites them to follow Christ's teachings. When we follow the prophet we are richly rewarded by God's blessings.
In our church we believe in a modern prophet as well as prophets in ancient times. And just as it was in times of old, we are blessed as we follow his guidance. Everything in the church is about strengthening the family, and so the prophets have taught us many ways that we can strengthen our families. They have emphasized the importance of keeping God's commandments, having daily family prayer, family scripture study, and setting aside one night every week for a family night, with a spiritual thought and activities. My family wasn't always perfectly diligent in doing these things, but we grew to love one another much more as we did them. I think that without having those things in my life, I wouldn't have had a strong enough faith to do what I am doing right now - serving a mission (the prophets have emphasized that one too!). My experiences with growing up following the prophet have become a foundational part of who I am.
Family Prayer |