Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Greatest of all Gifts

During the Christmas season, there is a lot of focus on the material things: the wrapping paper, the tree trimmings, the lights, the food, and the presents that are given and received. These items and their presence in our holiday celebrations can bring fun memories and make us feel that there is something truly special about the season. In my family we have all of these things as part of our annual Christmas celebrations. But a question that ought to be in the back of everyone's mind at Christmastime is this: Do I have the Spirit of Christmas - or the Spirit of Christ, and His love - within me, and do I show that love to others?

Christmas isn't really about all the presents. (It can be a real nightmare to clean up all of that stuff afterward anyway.) Rather, it is about the presence of the love of Christ in our hearts. The following video from LDS.org is, in my opinion, a perfect illustration of the love of Christ.

This love is also referred to as Charity. Charity is the "pure love of Christ" (Moroni 7:47). It is the love that Christ has for all of His children. It is because of that love that He bled from every pore, and suffered and died for our sins. It is the most selfless, pure, and infinite love that we could ever have. The boy in this video gained an understanding of that kind of love when he shared his coat with one who needed it more than he did.

Charity is a gift from God. The way to develop it is also found in Moroni 7: "Pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love." I have prayed for charity many times on my mission and as I've served people and done my best to love them, I have found much more happiness than I've ever had before. I want to invite you to pray and work to develop charity in your life this Christmas season. I promise as you do so, you will feel just how much God loves you and all of His children. Look outside of yourself and do something for someone else. That is how you can have the Spirit of Christmas in your life!

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